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pinpointerfavicon w green border.jpg (1441 bytes)  Pinpointer can play a more central role than simple retailers like iTunes.

The role of today's record labels, publishers, and other media companies is limited.
-- They don't directly manufacture records, books, magazines, etc.
-- They don't write or otherwise directly create the content itself.
Contemporary media companies have two primary business functions:
-- Discover noteworthy content  (e.g., Artist Development, manuscript evaluation, etc).
-- Make people aware of it (i.e., Marketing).
Contemporary media companies don't perform either function very efficiently.
-- They miss a lot of good material.
-- They spend so much money there's little left to pay content creators.
Pinpointer can perform the core functions more effectively.
Old Way New Way
-- Too few employees to  listen to all demos or read all manuscripts. -- Limitless number of independent taste mavens beating the bushes for good material.
-- Push-based marketing to radio stations, retailers, journalists. -- Radio stations, retailers, journalists see which items people are actually enjoying.
-- Marketing is heavy on tschotskes, light on useful information. -- Recommendations of individual taste mavens are better attuned to specific markets.
By performing core functions better, Pinpointer can begin to supplant existing media companies.
iTunes and other pure retailers remain stuck in a dependent "downstream" position.

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